id Software studies the possibility of taking RAGE 2 to Switch

The concept of an open world without loading screens could be an impediment to make it possible.

Bethesda has repeatedly proved to be one of the most committed companies with Nintendo Switch, taking games such as DOOM (2016), Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus or even the newly presented DOOM Eternal. Could the Nintendo hybrid machine run RAGE 2? Speaking with Variety, id Software explains to be valuing the possibilities of making this version of the game.

"We are studying the technology behind that right now, and we are still evaluating it," explains Tim Willits, head of the study and director of the first RAGE. "Since everything is open, everything is available, there are no load screens, we see all that, but we are not sure [of whether Switch could do it] ."

For now, the sandbox game from id Software plans to be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in the first half of 2019. If you want to see how the game looks, we encourage you to keep an eye on the gameplay of RAGE 2 convoys shown at the QuakeCon 2018.
