The story mode of Mario Tennis Aces lasts a minimum of 4-5 hours

The modality has a high difficulty, with which everything depends on the skill of the player.
One of the best news of Mario Tennis Aces , the new video game of Nintendo Switch, is that it has an adventure mode with different missions starring Mario. According to the estimate we have made, overcoming this type of story takes around 4-5 hours, although everything depends on the skill of the player.

The mode has a curve of difficulty very well calculated, with some tests and final heads that slow down our progress. In fact, sometimes it is necessary to practice in already overcome events to raise Mario's level, thus increasing his speed, acceleration and striking power characteristics.

To know more details about the game, today we have published the analysis of Mario Tennis Aces , in which we highlight that the developer Camelot has returned to its best times: "It is playable apotheosis, has great technical depth and is also quite complete".
