Nintendo confirms that there will only be Switch games in its E3 2018

None of 3DS or Nintendo Labo, and mainly will be focused on those who launch this year.

The Japanese company Nintendo has given some clues about how it will focus its conference on the E3 2018, remember that it has not traditionally been a conference but rather a recorded broadcast, and this seems to be focused on content for Nintendo Switch.

The one which is known as Nintendo Direct: E3 2018 will be held on June 12 at 6:00 pm (Spain time), as we already anticipated when we announced that Nintendo had set a date and time for its conference. And will be focused exclusively on video games for Switch, thus ruling out the presence of software for 3DS or new content for Nintendo Labo.

They have also specified that everything shown will be launched in 2018, but it is not ruled out that there is some kind of long-term advertisement. Motives? Last year the Treehouse 2017 was proposed in the same way and, in the end, games for the future were also announced such as Pokémon RPG or Metroid Prime 4.

At the moment it is a mystery in terms of official video games what can lead Nintendo to E3 2018, since the only one that is new and that is fully confirmed is Super Smash Bros. You can follow all the news of the Japanese company, as every year, in the special coverage that we will make of the North American fair.
