Daemon X Machina shown in 30 minutes of gameplay

It is a new game for Switch that would arrive in 2019.

Although Nintendo reserved a good portion of the Nintendo Direct from E3 2018 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it also took place to present some new games: one of them is Daemon X Machina, a new Marvelous Interactive production for Nintendo Switch. During the Treehouse Live, after the event, more than half an hour of the playable material of this title was shared.

In the video, its managers cover much of the process of character creation and wick, although in most of the video we see an in-depth tour of the mechanics of Daemon X Machina, full of fights with wicks in an open field.

In Daemon X Machina, players wear a customizable Arsenal suit on various missions to take down the enemy at all costs. In addition, they can choose and customize their robot with multiple weapons, take advantage of fallen enemies and change them on the fly to adapt their strategy according to the changing circumstances of the battle.
