Code of Princess EX out this summer on Switch in the West [VIDEO]

Nicalis accompanies the announcement of the specific release date with a trailer and new details.

As was anticipated last fall, Princess Solange will reappear in the West in Code of Princess EX, which will arrive in the physical and digital format on July 31 for Nintendo Switch. The fastest acquirers will be made with a " launch edition " that includes a full-color instruction manual and a CD with the soundtrack of the game. Nicalis has accompanied the details with the new ad trailer of Code of Princess EX.

In Code of Princess EX, we take control of Princess Solange to purge DeLuxia's evil with our elegant sword, DeLuxcalibur. In addition, as we strengthen our protagonist we will also unlock other playable characters: the thief Ali, the necromancer Zozo and the wise elf Allegro.

The campaign of this beautiful role-playing and side-scrolling action game can be played alone or with a friend, and you can also replay with any new character unlocked in free play mode. We can also play additional episodes through the internet, and even play a versus mode for up to four people. The latter will have lists of qualifying games, free and even private games.
