Manticore Galaxy on Fire – Come On Baby, Light My Fire!

REVIEW - Although it is not the most popular mobile franchise (although it has also appeared on PC), the fact is that Galaxy on Fire has enough followers, to the point that more than 25 million users have downloaded some of its deliveries (or so say its editors, Deep Silver). Precisely the last of them, Galaxy on Fire 3: Manticore, has been transferred to the Nintendo machine with enough success, becoming one of the few titles available in Switch belonging to the genre of space shooters.

Our task in Manticore is precise to eliminate the criminals and "rabble" who meet in this area of space. A goal that will take us at least 9-10 hours to complete and that extends throughout three main acts that encompass more than 30 different levels, some of them designed specifically for this edition of Nintendo Switch.

That is what this proposal offers us exclusively for eShop (it has not been edited in physical format): fighting in space to Star Wars. An odyssey that will surely attract more than one user because it enjoys a level of quality more than remarkable both regarding its gameplay and what it has to do with its overall technical finish.

In a very distant galaxy...

In my opinion, one of the best aspects that Manticore has: Galaxy on Fire is its argument. Instead of being in front of a video game that goes on tiptoe for its narrative load, something very common in this type of productions, in this title the script has enough weight throughout the game. In fact, between phase and phase, it is possible to enjoy spoken conversations between the different protagonists that add interest to the main story that serves as background. This plot takes us to the space sector known as Neox, a place where chaos reigns due to a large number of space pirates and criminals who have taken over its borders.

Precisely this last aspect, the light touch RPG (almost forced lately in any game that comes to market), brings that special spark to this work, a feature that feels very good. As we overcome both the main objectives and, especially, the secondary missions, it is possible to collect enough resources to mount a more powerful weapon for our ship or, also, to build new ones. The control of these vehicles is very good, being able to perform the typical actions of this type of games such as firing several types of different projectiles, accelerate, make turns, etc.

As you can see it is a title that has a fairly traditional development within its genre, that of space shooters, a style that certainly is not the most prolific precisely in Nintendo Switch. That is why it is perhaps even more attractive, which is joined by its more than reasonable value for money and its well-adjusted level of difficulty.

It is also a game that presents a careful technical finish, something predictable taking into account that this graphic section became one of the most praised aspects of the original title. The most remarkable thing is that Manticore: Galaxy on Fire works at 1080p and 60 rather stable frames (except slight minor and occasional drops) in docked mode, while the laptop maintains its frame rate but its resolution drops to the usual 720p. His artistic direction has also seemed quite inspired, and the special effects provide the minimum dose of spectacularity required in a title of this idiosyncrasy. It is not the most graphically advanced game of Switch, but without a doubt, it is one of the most advanced among those available in the eShop store exclusively.

The sound is not out of tune at all, and to the dialogues above in English translated into our language is added a soundtrack of a warlike-sci fi cut quite achieved and very good sound effects.

The remarkable Fishlabs space shooter for mobile formats has made the leap to Switch with a truly eye-catching version for its users. And is that not only is it one of the few representatives available within the genre in this console, but it has enough quality to attract enough followers of this type of action games. A well-taken care of history and a finished technical result finish giving form to a title something repetitive but very entertained and lasting.


Developer: Deep Silver
Publisher: Deep Silver
Genre: shoot-em-up
Release Date: April 19, 2018

Gameplay: 82
Graphics: 74
Story: 76
Music/Audio: 78
Ambiance: 76

Total: 77


Space combat is gratifying and quite spectacular
The story has much more weight than that experienced in other shooters
Technically it looks a good level, highlighting its pretty stable 60fps


- The development can end up being something repetitive by its very nature
- Some small graphical glitches
- Except for a couple of new missions and little else, the rest is the same as lived in the mobile version
