The amiibo of Solaire of Astora runs the same fate as the game: they will arrive later.
Without offering too much information about it, Bandai Namco has decided to delay the Nintendo Switch version of the expected Dark Souls: Remastered unti next summer. He has communicated in his official Twitter account, ensuring that the amiibo of Solaire of Astora, who was to accompany the game, will also postpone its release.
Given the present circumstance, its developer, FromSoftware, has toned the mea culpa on its official Twitter account: "We offer our sincere apologies to all who are waiting for the launch of the game, we hope you can enjoy Dark Souls anywhere and anytime soon. "
When is Dark Souls: Remastered on Nintendo Switch? Summer of 2018: will play expect a more specific date by the Japanese editor. Its launch in PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC is maintained for next May 25. The game will reach 30fps and 1080p with the base connected; will reach 720p in portable mode.
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