Digital Foundry made an in-depth analysis, with frame rate and resolution both portable and docked mode.
Super Mario Odyssey, which is the next game starring the well-known Nintendo character, is about a month away, and the Switch title has been revealed multiple times in the past few weeks. Digital Foundry looked at the latest preview code, and they released a full-scale technical analysis.
Digital Foundry’s analysis, which can be watched in full below, shows us that Super Mario Odyssey performs at 900p, 60 FPS in docked mode, and at 720p, 60 FPS in handheld mode. Also, while we play the game in docked mode, it profits from improved bloom, LOD, shadows and draw distance.
We can see three new Mario Odyssey levels under the technical microscope. Graphics are adjusted in more than one way to keep it playing at 60fps, even while in a portable state.
Super Mario Odyssey seems to be an incredible game, with full of content and new things to discover. Also, it feels like a game I am to remember. I will travel to each kingdom, discover and explore as much as possible, and then in ten, fifteen, or even twenty years I am going to come back and remember much of it; and that is a gaming experience that just can’t be overstated.
Super Mario Odyssey will be out October 27th exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
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